Sponsor a Child

Hearts of Christ Children’s Ministry is presently working with 700 sponsored children that are attending schools in Belize.  Sponsors from the United States are supporting these children through the $250 yearly sponsorship that provides textbooks, school supplies, backpacks, new school uniforms, tuitions and other school fees for each child.  In addition, over 1,000 more children will come to the mission house seeking help so they too can attend school. 

children lined up at the HOC gates, hoping for a sponsor

What does it mean to "sponsor a child?"

Each day in the United States, children of all ages have the blessing of being able to go to school - public, private or home - and learn all of the basics such as reading, writing and arithmetic. The children of Belize do not have this luxury unless someone, like you, can help meet this need. 

How much does sponsorship cost?

The cost to sponsor a child for one year is $250.

What does the sponsorship cover?
The $250 annual sponsorship provides textbooks, school supplies, backpacks, new school uniforms, tuitions and other school fees for each child. 

How many children are currently receiving sponsorship?
Hearts of Christ Children's Ministry is presently working with 700 sponsored children that are attending schools in Belize. 

Do the children really want to learn?
How many children in the United States do you know that would walk 10 miles, or even one mile, to go to school? In Belize, children walk great distances to get the chance to learn. Over 1,000 unsponsored children will come to the mission house each year seeking help so that they, too, can attend school. This number continues to grow as news of the ministry spreads across Belize.  

How do I sponsor a child?
You may contact us to find out about the specific children still needing sponsors! 

How can I tell my local church about this ministry? 
Contact us and we are happy to come and give a presentation to your local church about how Hearts of Christ can become part of their outreach ministry. This is a perfect ministry for a youth group to support, or a small group, or an adult sunday school class.

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