Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hearts of Christ 7th Annual Golf Tournament

Wow!  Our Annual Golf Tournament was a huge success!  We want to thank all the golfers that gave their time and finances to support Hearts of Christ Children's Ministry.  A special big thank you to Stephanie Carter for all her hard work and dedication to the tournament.  We can't begin to thank all the supporters; the Diamond, the Gold, the Silver, the Bronze and the Hole Sponsors... Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Annual Golf Tournament is Saturday!

We need more golfers for the annual Hearts of Christ Golf Tournament.  Sign up today!  Saturday, May 11th at Baneberry Golf Club. 4-man Scramble/$75 per golfer.

 Tee off 8am.  $400 cash prize drawing, great door prizes, lunch and loads of fun and fellowship.  Call Carla 423-312-4466.  All contributions are tax deductible and all proceeds help children in need locally and internationally.